ALMI Business Partner operating in the years 2008-2010 a project called Vivan which is about innovations made by staff in the health care profession. The project Vivian is to bring new products to the market by establishing new companies. We have looked at why health care professionals to a lesser extent than other professionals choose to start businesses. Another question raised is why it is mostly men who have chosen to start their own business in the female-dominated health profession. Traditionally, men have as an advantage over women in the corporate market in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to examine the reasons why some health care professionals who came to Vivan with business ideas don’t want to start their own business. We have focused on three issues. Questions about what can prevent health care professionals to start their own business and what would help on the road. The third issue is whether sex has any influence on their choice to start their own businesses. The paper presents different methodological choices and we have used the qualitative method. The investigation includes interviews with respondents who have performed with structured questionnaires. To give the reader a background to the study in mind, the essay's theory of enterprise, gender, innovation and business ideas. In this paper, we have seen that there are different obstacles when starting their own business. Obstacles may include the financial part of starting your own business. It can also be about a person who wants to be self-employed who may not have the skills needed and can then see this as an obstacle.These barrier can be decisive for the choice of starting their own. We found that women and men in this study have different attitudes towards entrepreneurship.