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  • 1. Bergholm, Tapio
    et al.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Juul, Ida
    Gender and Working Life: Introduction to special issue2011In: Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, E-ISSN 2245-0157, Vol. 1, no 2Article, review/survey (Other academic)
  • 2.
    Bergman, Ann
    et al.
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    gonäs, lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Rosenberg, Kerstin
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Business Administration.
    Equal Opportunities and Equal Wages: A case study on gender wage differences in the knowledge-based society2005In: Gender Divisions and Working Time in the new Economy: Changing Patterns of Work in Europe and North America / [ed] Dianne Perrons, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar , 2005, p. 241-258Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 3.
    Bergman, Ann
    et al.
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Karlstad Business School.
    Karlsson, Jan Ch
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Karlstad Business School.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Karlstad Business School.
    Ett jämlikt arbetsliv: Tankar om det möjliga, det troliga och det önskvärda2013In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 19, no 4, p. 75-86Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna artikel är att med utgångspunkt i ett antal framtidsbilder visa att en analys av ojämlikheten mellan kvinnor och män i arbetslivet med nödvändighet knyter an till en vidare diskussion rörande arbete och familj samt mellan produktion och reproduktion. Artikeln syftar vidare till att argumentera för att framtidsbilder av olika slag – antingen som möjliga, troliga eller önskvärda framtider – ur en metodologisk och analytisk synvinkel är fruktbara för kritisk arbetslivsforskning.

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  • 4. Cameron, B.
    et al.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Women's response to economic and political integration in Canada and Sweden1999In: Women's Organizing in Canada and Sweden / [ed] Briskin, L. & M. Eliason, Quebec: McGill-Queen’s University Press , 1999Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 5. Eriksson, M.
    et al.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Hallsten, L.
    Psykiskt välbefinnande och arbetsmarknasdsstatus- om statstjänstemän under avveckling1993In: Den äldre arbetskraften och arbetsmarknaden. Dokumentation av en forskarkonferens / [ed] Forsberg, P. & G. Olofsson, Lund: Sociologiska institutionen , 1993Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 6. Forsberg, Gunnel
    et al.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Perrons, Dianne
    Paid Work. Participation, Inclusion and Liberation2001In: Gender, Economy and Culture in the European Union / [ed] Pfau Effinger Duncan, Routledge: London , 2001Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 7.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    A Welfare State in Transition - Swedish Experiences1998In: Bühler E., Maurer E., Wyler S. (ed) Deregulierung und Chancengleichheit, Zürich: Zürich: vdf Hochschuleverlag AG an der ETH , 1998Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Arbetsmarknaden geografi1998In: Svensk kulturgeografi. En exkursion inför 2000-talet / [ed] Green M.& PO Hallin, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 1998Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Arbetsmarknadskarriär, arbetsvillkor och hälsa2008Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här arbetsrapporten innehåller resultat från en befolkningsenkät som projektet Kön och Arbete vid Arbetslivsinstitutet utförde år 2001. Enkäten skickades till ett slumpvis urval på 10 000 personer i åldern 20-64 år i de tre kommunerna, Norrköping, Finspång och Söderköping. Enkäten hade till syfte att ge en övergripande bild av arbetsmarknadssituation, arbetsvillkor, fritid och hälsa för befolkningen i de tre kommunerna. Föreliggande arbetsrapport sammanfattar resultat från analyserna av sysselsättningsförändringar över tid och frågor kring arbetsvillkor och hälsa.

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  • 10.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Balancing Family and Work ' To create a New Social Order2002In: Economic and Industrial Democracy (EID) 23 (1): pp. 59-66Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 11.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Befolkning och arbete. Något om framtidsstudiernas problem och metoder1981Book (Refereed)
  • 12.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Changing Structures - Class and Gender2012In: FALF:S årskonferens 2012, Abstraktbok, 2012Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 13.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Die 90er Jahre: das Jahrzehnt des Rückzugs? Über den schwedischen Arbeitsmarkt aus internationaler Sicht1998In: Schweden im Wandel – Entwicklungen, Probleme, Perspektive / [ed] Hrsg C. Riegler, O. Schneider, Berlin: Berlin Verlag , 1998Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 14.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    En fråga om kön: Kvinnor och män i strukturomvandlingens spår1989Book (Refereed)
  • 15.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Ett arbetsvetenskapligt perspektiv på strukturomvandlingen och dess konsekvenser2006In: Forskning om arbete - forksningstraditioner på arbetslivsområdet / [ed] Redaktör Holmer & Simonsson, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2006Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 16.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Företagsnedläggning och arbetsmarknadspolitik: En studie av sysselsättningskriserna vid Oskarshamns Varv. Geografiska regionstudier nr 10. Kulturgeografiska institutionen vid Uppsala universitet1974Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Gender and Regional Employment Differences: an Industrial Relations Approach1999In: International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 10 (6) pp. 981-995Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 18.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Gender Divisions at Work - A Multilevel Approach2004Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 19.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Gender Equality and Sustainable Growth: The interplay between higher education and working life. Presentation at the Global Forum for Deans / Directors/Chairs of programs in Industrial Relations (IR) and Human Resources (HR) at Renmin University. Beijing June 12th 2010.2010In: The Global Forum for Deans / Directors/Chairs of programs in Industrial Relations (IR) and Human Resources (HR) at Renmin University., 2010Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 20.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Gender Segregation and the European Employment Strategy: Levels and Divisions2004In: European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 139-159Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 21.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Has the equality gone too far? On Gendered Labour Market Regimes and Regional Differentiation in Female Employment - the Swedish case1998In: European Journal of Regional Policy, iss. 1Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 22.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Industrial Relations på svenska. Några kommentarer till Nils Elvanders artiklar om IR-fältets utveckling',2000In: Arbetsmarknad och arbetsliv, Vol. 6 (3)Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Industriomvandling i välfärdsstaten1991Book (Refereed)
  • 24.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Interplay between education and working life.: Project presentation2011Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 25.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Jämlikhet mellan könen - från kostnads till tillväxtfaktor2007In: I: Fölster, K., Gustafsson, S. & Winai Ström, G. (red), Annika BAude. Pionjär för jämställdhet, Stockholm: TCO-förlag , 2007Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Karlstad Business School (from 2013).
    Sandlund, Erica
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Language, Literature and Intercultural Studies (from 2013). Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Centrum för genusforskning (from 2013).
    Jämställd hållbar tillväxt - från ord till handling. Introduktion till nr 2 2012 (tema JämVäxt).2012In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 18, no 1, p. 5-11Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 27.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Jämställdheten och klassfrågan2002In: Vad blev du av ljuva 60-tal?, Stockholm: Ordfront , 2002Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 28.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    JämVäxt 2.0 - Jämställd hållbar tillväxt - från ord till handling: Jämställdhetskonferens vid Karlstads universitet den 23 november 20102010Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    JämVäxt 2.0. A short introduction to Equal Growth 2.0.: Presentation at the International Research Symposium: Conditions for Egalitarian and Sustainable Growth. Karlstad University, sept 2011.2011Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 30.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Kvinnlig arbetskraft och nedskärningar1992In: Försäkringskassan i Form För Framtiden, Stockholm: Försäkringskassan , 1992Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Kvinnors arbetsmarknad i det framtida Europa1992In: Kvinnors och mäns liv och arbete, Stockholm: SNS , 1992Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Kvinnors arbetsmarknad i ett europeiskt perspektiv1993In: Kvinnoforskare om Kvinnor och Europa. Rapport från ett nordiskt forskningssymposium 1992 / [ed] Dahlberg, A, Stockholm: Centrum för kvinnoforskning, Stockholms universitet , 1993Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 33.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Könsarbetsdelning och strukturomvandling1993In: Kvinnors arbetsmarknad, Stockholm: Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet, Ds 1993:8 , 1993Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Könssegregering, industriomvandling och kompetensuteckling1992In: Kompetens i arbete / [ed] Marking, Ch, Stockholm: Publica , 1992Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 35.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Könsvisa skillnader i arbetslöshetens struktur1994In: Arbetarhistoria, Meddelande från Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv, 1994Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 36.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Labour Market Adjustments to Structural Change in Sweden1990In: Appelbaum E., Schettkat R., Labour Market Adjustments to Structural Change and Technological Progress, New York: Praeger , 1990Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 37.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Labour Market Transformations and Changing Gender Relations: Editorial Introduction2000In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, 21 pp277-282Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 38.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Längs flerdubbla spår1998In: Att famna en ton. En kulturgeografisk minnesbok / [ed] Olsson, G, Uppsala: AUU, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. C 63 , 1998Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 39.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Nivåer i otakt: Forskning och samhällsdebatt om könssegregering i arbetslivet2008In: Lige muligheter - fria valg? / [ed] Redaktörer Ruthe Emerek, Helle Holt, Köpenhamn: SFI- Det Nationale Forskningscentret for Velferd , 2008Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 40.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Om den svenska välfärdsstatens omvandling och det könsuppdelade arbetet1998In: Sverige efter välfärdskrisen / [ed] Starrin B. & R. Svensson, Umeå: Boréa , 1998Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Presentation of the Equal Growth project: Gender Workshop for Sustainable Working Life2011Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 42.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    På gränsen till genombrott?: Om det könsuppdelade arbetslivet2005Book (Refereed)
  • 43.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Recension av Paula Mulinaris och Rebecca Selbergs publikation Arbete - Intersektionella perspektiv2012In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 18, no 2, p. 73-76Article, book review (Other academic)
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  • 44.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Recension av publikationen What women want from work. Gender and occupational choice in the 21st century av Ruth Woodfield2010In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 16, no 3, p. 73-74Article, book review (Other academic)
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  • 45.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Restructuring Public Sector: examples from the Swedish School Administration Board1994In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 5 (3) pp. 653-662Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 46.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Restructuring work and employment - gendered patterns of inclusion and exclusion2007Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 47.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    State in Transition - Swedish Experiences1998In: Deregulierung und Chancengleichheit / [ed] Bühler E., Maurer E., Wyler S, Zürich: vdf Hochschuleverlag AG an der ETH Zürich , 1998Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 48.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Strukturomvandling och könssegregering1990In: Samhällets geografi, Nordisk samhällsgeografisk tidskrifts förlag. Reviderad version i fjärde upplagan: Uppsala , 1990Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 49.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    The search for Flexibility, Fairness and Prosperity. Alternative Employment policies in the Twenty-First Century. The Rapporteur's Report2002In: Global Wisdom and Flexiblity, Tokyo: Japan Labour Institute. pp. 197- 207 , 2002Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 50.
    Gonäs, Lena
    Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, Department of Working Life Science.
    Varför studera könssegregeringen?2001In: Gonäs, L, Lindgren G., Bildt C. (red) Könssegregering i arbetslivet. Arbetslivsinstitutet. Stockholm 2001, 2001Chapter in book (Other academic)
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