In this comparative case-study, elements of diffusion theory are used to examine local conditions conducive to political organization in terms of independent local lists (ILLs). Empirical evidence supports the formulation of three hypotheses for future and more systematic research into the problem: a hypothesis of size, an elite-hypothesis and a mobilization-hypothesis. Although several factors are likely to play a role, the results suggest particularly that ILLs are less likely to occur in localities lacking historical legacies in terms of popular mobilization.
Artikeln belyser Erik Nydahls avhandling I fyrkens tid som tar avstamp i en omdiskuterad, om än relativt väl utforskad, fråga: hur formades svensk politisk kultur i övergången från jordbrukarsamhället till det moderna industrisamhället? Viktiga faktorer i det sammanhanget var att svensk industrialisering i många avseenden ägde rum utanför de framväxande storstadsregionerna, att jordbruksnäringen samtidigt spelade en fortsatt viktig roll under lång tid och att urbaniseringsprocessen internationellt sett var mera utdragen.
The purpose of this essay is to investigate why the two Swedish municipalities of Frykerud and Östmark were the only municipalities in Värmland that were forcibly merged by the state during the ”Municipality block reform” of 1971, and whether local identities played a role in the resistance against this reform.
The study is designed as a comparative case study and builds on both history and political science to analyze the topic from a broader perspective. Based on the research situation three theoretical theses have been formulated, the durability of which will be tested in the analysis part of the essay.
The study notes that Frykeruds resistance against the ”Municipality block reform” started when the reform prevented a planned retirement home construction in the municipality. In the analytical part of the essay, the author discusses how the discontent can be interpreted as symptomatic of bourgeois centralization resistance, as well as being due to the fact that traditional, local self-government as a political subject was perceived as threatened. In Östmark, the "Municipality block reform" developed into a political struggle between the reformist Social Democrats and the "reform-skeptical" conservative parties. The battle started with disagreements over the completions of investments in the municipality.
In the analysis section, the hypotheses previously formulated have been tested, and the author also formulates a new hypothesis regarding the local communities and local identities' political role in the resistance against the "Municipality block reform".
This paper is interested in Swedish psychiatry during the period between 1930-1950,localized to Mariebergs hospital in Sweden. The purpose of this paper has been to testSjöstroms evidence of the pattern that he used to create three analytical concepts, roughlytranslated to; morally educative discipline-treatment, the production process and the idealinstitution citizen. Sjöström motivates that his concepts gives insight into one aspect of thepsychiatric expansion between 1860-1960 as well as creates an understanding of psychiatryas an institution. The source material for this paper has been patients' medical notes writtenby the chief physician of the institution. Via a method which mainly different from Sjöstromin its selection, categorization and more thorough presentation, this paper has seen the samepatterns which Sjöström has created his three concepts from. The ideal institution citizen,defined by its well behaved and calm behaviour emerges also in this papers quantitativecompilation of qualitative data as the clear majority. The morally educative disciplinetreatment,treatments and punishments that focuses on creating an acceptable behaviourrather than the treatment of insanity itself, can be seen in the adjective behaviouraldescriptions of the type well-behaved / badly-behaved which are dominant. The focus in thejournals is behaviour rather than mental decease symptoms such as hallucinations andtreatment is based on unaccepted behaviour rather than symptoms. Also, the sequential orderthat exists between badly-behaved behaviour and treatments, and well-behaved behaviourand rewards shows the focus on behaviour which the concept is based on. The previous tworesults together is the two parts of Sjöströms production process, that trough the morallyeducative discipline-treatment the institution creates an acceptable, quiet and well behavedideal institution citizen were the mental decease becomes secondary.
During the last three decades there has been a wave of interest in narrative and narrativity in the humanistic and the social sciences. This narrative turn has spilled over to medicine, where narrative medicine has gained a considerable influence.However, there have also appeared second thoughts on the role of narratives in our lives, as well as on what narratives may mean in relation to clinical medicine.This article presents some influential voices in this debate and scrutinizes the assumptions of narrative medicine in the light of these. It is concluded that there are sound reasons to tread this path with some caution and avoid the too far reaching ambitions on behalf of narrativity in relation to clinical medicine. However, narrative medicine should still be seen as a promising attempt within the broader scope of medical humanities to emphasize the importance of human subjectivity in clinical medicine.
Lidköping is a city with a long tradition of education. One of the educational institutions that has been part of the city's educational history is Lidköping Elementary School for Girls, which existed in the city between 1876–1936. The aim of this study is to investigate how the education staged societal norms about women as good mothers and housewives. This has been done by analyzing the school's annual reports from the academic years 1877–1878, 1901–1902, 1920–1921 och 1930–1931 for which the school subject’s needlework, home economics, mathematics and natural sciences were selected. For each academic year, each subject has been analyzed to find out the teaching content, as well as to gain an understanding of the amount of time allocated to each subject. In addition, the school's other activities and events has been analyzed, primarily from the last two school years in which gender-coded activities were discovered. A timetable from the 1906 Board of Supervisors for Secondary Schools has been used to contextualize the girls' school's instruction in mathematics and natural sciences.
The material, which primarily consists of annual reports from the school, has been analyzed using Yvonne Hirdman's gender theory. The method employed in processing the material is primarily qualitative text analysis with elements of quantitative comparative method. Through analysis and interpretation of the material, various gender-related elements have emerged, making it clear that the girls were educated to work within the four walls of the home, or possibly for typical female occupations.
During the 1970s, comprehensive regional and decentralization policies were implemented in Sweden. The purpose of regional policy was to relocate state authorities from the Greater Stockholm region to other parts of the country. This relocation policy was developed through investigations created by the Localization Delegation. Thus, the demarcation of the thesis also becomes clear by following only the Civil Defense Board and the Parliament's source material to find out about the authority's move to Karlstad. In this work, I investigate why the Civil Defense Board was relocated to Karlstad from Stockholm, how the process went on at parliamentary level, whether there were certain criteria to fulfill for such a move and how the debate was progressing about it.
Data collection was done by the Swedish parliament own material in the form of parliamentary motions and proposals. The investigations from the Localization Delegation showed that criteria are required for a particular region to be allocated to relocated authorities from the Greater Stockholm region. Which authorities a region gets also depends on the local conditions and whether Sweden's commander-in-chief has any objections. Regional policy is characterized by priorities that express what conditions and assistance a particular region should receive.
The aim of the study is to put the spotlight on teachers in history and their experiences of working with historical frame of reference from an intercultural perspective.
Research questions have focused on to what extent and how teachers consider the multicultural classroom and students´ experiences in the intercultural perspective. Furthermore, focus have been on the teachers´didactics in how to create a historical fram of reference within the classroom.
Byrams theoretical perspective on intercultural competence have been used. Six qualitative interviews have been conducted, transcribed and analysed from Byrans theoretical framework. Results reveal teachers highly agree with and sympathize with the intercultural assignment for the school, and tries their best to consider students intercultural experiences and narratives. However, teachers understanding for and knowledge of intercultural perspective and creating historical frame of reference is lacking, which is also mirroring their variances of strategies in teaching. To main categories were identified describing teachers strategies in teaching, one which refers to a fragment oriented teaching and one based on a more holistic approach. The conclusion is that teacher do consider students perspective in intercultural perspective in history, but experience difficulties to find strategies for creating historical frame of reference in the classroom.
This study explores the concept of historical empathy in the context of field trips for young pupils to a prehistoric heritage site in Sweden. The example discussed is a field trip to Vitlycke, a heritage and rock carving site with an associated reconstructed Bronze Age farm, where pupils had the opportunity to experience prehistory with all their senses. The study is based on the idea that historical empathy is a process that involves both cognitive and affective dimensions and that both dimensions are important for progress. The pupils were interviewed after the trip and their responses are related to the concepts of perspective recognition and care. The study shows how the cognitive and affective dimensions were interwoven in the pupils' reasoning and how the field trip contributed to an emotional and personal connection necessary for the development of historical empathy. This engagement led to a broadening and deepening of the pupils' cognitive understanding of Bronze Age life and living conditions, while the cognitive understanding of the historical context contributed to a framework in which they could use their imagination. The results also show the importance of giving pupils time to follow up on their experiences after visiting a heritage site.
The socialdemokrats’ long possession of government power from the 1930’s to 1976 gave them the opportunity to put their stamp on Swedish domestic and foreign affairs in the shadow of the cold war. The government policy in security and foreign affairs, therefore, was that of the socialdemokratic party. The stance of the government has been researched, but it lacks focus on the opposition. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Folkpartiet´s view of security and foreign affairs in comparison with government policy. The study is built around three years that are case studied: 1956, 1965 and 1974. More specific is the Folkpartiet’s stance in the foreign affairs debates in the parliament during those specific years that are being investigated. For this purpose, five questions have been formulated: What kind of goals did the Folkpartiet have with security and foreign policy during the investigated period of time? Did there exist an agreement between the goals of the government and the Folkpartiet? Did the Folkpartiet mark their own line in specific security and foreign policy questions? On which specific security and foreign policy questions was the Folkpartiet in agreement with the government? Finally, does Folkpartiet’s present stance in favour of Swedish membership in NATO have any historical substance?
The study shows that the Folkpartiet are in agreement with the government’s policy of being neutral during the whole investigated period of time. The Folkpartiet are constantly critical towards the Soviet Union, defend Israel in the state’s conflict with neighbouring countries and favour third world countries. The parties are in most agreement when the government decides to side with either part in a conflict. When the government decides not to do so, it causes criticism from the Folkpartiet.
The Swedish Prime Minister, Tage Erlander, made a speech on the 22 of August 1961 in which he dismissed speculation that Sweden was seeking to abandon its neutral stance and non-alignment in foreign policy with a view to requesting membership of the European Economic Community. The reason was that the EEC was supposed to have a political part where a connection with NATO should have existed. This speech led to a domestic discussion which has been called the most intense debate of foreign affairs in recent history. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the reactions of the other parliamentary parties to Erlander’s speech. The theoretical points draw from social constructivism, which is being operationalised into states’ identity and interests. These interests are states’ physical survival, autonomy and economic well-being. All of these three interests were present in Erlander’s speech.
The study shows that the Centre Party (Centerpartiet) was in agreement with Erlander’s stance and coincided that it was impossible to reconcile membership of the EEC with the state’s neutral stance. Both the Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterna) and the Centre Party gave priority to the interest of autonomy over economic well-being. However, there were aspects of the interest of physical survival in the opinions of the Social Democrats, which might be connected with their role as the government party and therefore having the ultimate responsibility. The biggest critics were the non-socialist parties: the Liberal Party (Folkpartiet) and the Conservative Party (Högerpartiet). The latter two believed that the country should seek the oppurtunity to make an exception to the neutral stance when applying for membership and then evaluate whether it would be possible to reconcile it with non-allignment. They both had economic well-being as their major interest. Further criticism came from the Communist Party (Kommunistpartiet), who were opponents of any aspect of European cooperation. They even drew parallels between the EEC and Hitler’s vision for Europe. The Communist Party included interests of physical survival and autonomy in their argumentation. All parties were consistent in keeping to their interests throughout the period of this research.
En demografisk fallstudie av ett urval Billerudsanställda 1920.
Gemenskap kan förstås delvis som ett enhetligt plats-baserat väsen man kan kalla lokalsamhället, vars beståndsdelar förgrenar sig till fler mindre gemenskaper. Tillsammans samverkar gemenskaperna mot olika mål som för samhället åt olika håll. Denna studie har riktat sig på att undersöka ett lokalsamhälle, under en period av svår lågkonjunktur till följd av den ekonomiska krisen som rådde under 70-talet, för att se hur dessa jobbar enskilt och tillsammans. Två nedläggningar av lokala industriföretag från Säffle studerades genom undersökningar hur kommun, fackförbund och lokaltidning arbetade genom deras krisår mot nedläggning.
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka om läroböckerna på högstadiet när det gäller medeltiden har förändrats mellan åren 1921-2003. Om man kan se en tydlig förändring och om medeltiden framställs som mörk och trist i alla dessa böcker.
För att jag skulle kunna svara på dessa frågor har jag valt att titta på fyra stycken olika böcker från åren, 1921, 1950, 1967 och 2003, just för att få en så bred bild som möjligt. Jag har använt mig av en teori som Michael Nordberg har skrivit där han lyfter fram att medeltiden inte alls är så mörk och trist med mycket elände som många tror.
Man kan se en tydlig förändring mellan böckerna när man granskar dem, ju nyare de blir desto mer tar de upp. De tar upp om mer saker och det skrivs på ett annat sätt, det blir ett bredare perspektiv kan man säga. De två äldsta böckerna från år 1921 och 1950 tar endast upp om en eller två viktiga rubriker så som t ex Sveriges historia eller Europas och arabernas välde. Medan de två nyaste tar upp båda dessa delar och även annat också. Likaså när det gäller om medeltiden framställs som mörk och trist med mycket elände så förändras skriv sättet i böckerna en hel del. Det tas upp om eländet i alla böcker men på lite olika sätt och de nyaste böckerna tar även upp om allt bra som hände. Jag tycker att den nyaste boken har hittat en bra balans när det gäller vad den tar upp och på vilket sätt.
Avslutningsvis vill jag säga att det har skett en utveckling när det gäller hur läroböckerna skrivs och det till det bättre, utvecklingen har gått åt rätt håll kan man säga, vilket vi ska vara mycket tacksamma för.
This paper discusses five history teachers experience working with fiction in history teachingas well as their views on its usefulness and role in the subject of history.The study has used a qualitative method and the empirical material has consisted of fiveinterviews with five different history teachers. The material has been transcribed and then beensorted and reduced with the help of coding, where experiences of using fiction in historyteaching at upper secondary school, how fiction has been used and what opportunities anddifficulties there are in working with fiction in history teaching were what was sought. Theresult was analyzed using previous research and three concepts, historical significance,historical perspective, and evidence, from Seixas and Morton’s theory of historical thinking.The result shows how the five teachers worked with fiction in history teaching and themany advantages of using fiction in history teaching. Above all, fiction’s opportunities to createan interest in the subject among the students, opportunities to work with source criticism andthe use of history and to help the students develop their historical perspective-taking were seenas positive. The major difficulty that was mentioned was the lack of time in the history subjectat upper secondary school level, which led to fiction not being used to the extent that mighthave been desired by the teachers.
This paper discusses Karlstad’s sobriety committee view on the drinking as a societal problem during the period 1941–1950. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the sobriety committee in Karlstad saw drinking as a problem and what measures were put in place to deal with it between the years 1941–1950.The study used a qualitative research method, and the empirical material has consisted of Karlstad’s sobriety committee’s annual reports from the years 1941–1950. The material was read several times and sorted and reduced with the help of focused coding where clear problem areas, reasons behind the drinking and measures and their possible results were what was sought. The results were analyzed with the help of previous research and the theory of the actor and structure model.The results show in what way the drinking was considered problematic where the focus ended up on youth drunkenness and widespread illegal trade with alchohol. These two problems were also the clearest reasons for the city’s negative state of sobriety. Descriptions of the sobriety committee’s work and measures show a resignation. Using the actor and structure model, one sees how structures to curb drinking in the city emerged and were connected. One can find a problem with the social structures that the inhabitants grew up with contributed to increased drinking.
Multi culture is a subject which many like to discuss. This essay will give the reader some teachers’ definitions and attitude about the multi culture conception. The main purpose with this essay is to give the reader a picture of how you can work with multi cultural classes. The work is based on research methods – qualitative interviews, which I have done with four teachers. To give the essay a structure, I have used categorical and summery.
To use alternative teachings methods, for example live stories, in that way you give the multi cultural a more important and enriched way. The pupils get the feeling that people see them and they dare to chare theirs stories with other people.
Thanks to alternative education, you can give the story a more living character. To have a good parents contact, and let the parents know their importance to their children schooling, that is an impression which have been stronger under this study.
Sweden was during the 19th century characterized by societal changes and new laws that affected women in particular. Issues of women's suffrage, equal rights in marriage began to spread. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how a women's association at a local level tried to assert its own gender interests in a time of male domination but also in a time of increased demands for democratization and increased rights for women. Karlskoga Women's Association's main goal was to run the association's orphanage and girls' school. The women at the association did little to influence their position in society. The association's members consisted largely of middle class members and possessed high social and economic status. The association's activities are analyzed on the basis of Yvonne Hirdman's theories of gender systems and gender contracts, and the association can be summarized as both breakers and reproducers of the gender contract, i.e. the invisible social contract that seems to exist in every society and uncovers conceptions of feminine and masculine.
Detta är en uppsats med syfte att undersöka Bofors folkskolas undervisning för den högre avdelningen. Uppsatsen tittar på undervisningen utifrån ett kvantitativt synsätt på Bofors folkskolas läsordning och materiel för perioden 1883 till 1896. Undersökningen sträcker sig mellan år 1883 och år 1896. Skolan var färdigställd 1882, därför har jag valt år 1883 som startpunkt då skolan haft lite tid på sig att få ordning på lokaler och sin organisation. Året 1896 valde jag därför att ett ägarbyte inom AB Bofors skett 1894 samt en ny normalplan infördes 1889. Alfred Nobel var under åren 1894–1896 huvudägare för Bofors. För att uppnå arbetets syfte har studien infattat arkivstudier. Källmaterialet som ligger till grund för resultats delen kommer i huvudsak ifrån Karlskoga Kommun- och folkrörelsearkiv. Källmaterialet bestod utav bland annat läsordningar och inventarielistor för Bofors folkskola. I urvalet av material fokuserade jag på att leta efter handlingar som det stod Bofors Folkskola på men tog även hänsyn till studiens avgränsning till Bofors Folkskolas senare avdelning klass fyra. Studien är en kvantitativ studie som använder tabeller och siffror för att illustrera resultaten.
Resultaten i studien tolkas som att ämnena som kristendomskunskap, slöjd, räkning och geometri var av betydelse för Bofors Folkskola och Karlskoga. Genom att jämföra läsordningen med normalplanerna 1878 och 1889 framgår att Bofors Folkskola ägnade mer undervisningstid åt dessa ämnen. 1896 var antalet materiel större än år 1883 vilket visar på en utveckling. Studien visar också hur Bofors folkskola utvecklades ekonomisk, organisatoriskt och materiellt under åren 1883 till 1896.