The ultrasound diagnosis of the carotid artery is one of the most common non-invasive methods to detect early stage heart and cerebrovascular diseases. However, the precision and repetitiveness of the probe positioning depend exclusively on the operator's skills and dexterity. For this purpose, we propose the development of a robot assisted system to enhance the accuracy and repetitiveness of the probe positioning to measure the wave intensity (WI) index. In this paper, the Waseda-Tokyo Women's Medical-Aloka Blood Flow Measurement Robot System No. 2 Refined (WTA-2R) is presented. The WTA-2R consists of a conventional ultrasound diagnosis system, a 6-DOFs parallel link slave manipulator, a 6-DOFs serial link passive arm, and a master device. Experiments were carried out to verify its effectiveness in terms of accuracy and required time to perform the task. From the experimental results, the positioning accuracy and reduction of required time were confirmed.