This paper discusses the concept of uncanny in connection to a renowned French art film Caché (Hidden, Michael Haneke 2005). The aim of the study is to analyse how the film narrates an uncanny feeling of uncertainty about reality. The uncanny sensation in the film 10 emanates from a storyline that tells about an upper-middle-class family living in Paris who receives amateur surveillance footage of their everyday life doings in the mailbox. The experience of being filmed without noticing soon becomes frightening, and the husband in the family starts questioning what is real and not in his own life history. The quest for an answer to whom is filming and why focuses the story on an unresolved childhood trauma. The trauma also forms the basis for a discussion of postcolonial otherness in the midst of the former French colonial power. And it is in the unequal relationships steeped in the colonial/postcolonial history that we will find the key to the characters’ uncanny experiences.