This study observes and discusses online interactions realized between political actors and other users accounts during an electoral campaign. The aim of this study is to decode social contagion traces of messages shared by Turkish leading politicians and political parties with their online audiences, using asymmetrical social media website Twitter. Both quantity and content of politicians’ messages are representative of their political campaigns reflecting to social media and voters who use the same tools as them can also express retaliation towards their communication. In this study, like behavior on Twitter is identified as representative of appreciation and retweet behavior is identified as representative of adoption of an idea in relation to social contagion theory. The objective is to find out, compare and analyze voters’ behaviors towards different kind of messages according to their quantity and content nature. By this study, it will be possible to answer some questions; such as how much interaction is generated on Twitter by chosen political accounts, are voters getting into more interaction with positive or negative affirmations, which are the main subjects that voters are getting into more interaction and what are the tendency of voters to show appreciation or adoption of ideas on Twitter during the pre-election phase in Turkey.