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Teaching English in Teacher Training Colleges in Herat Afghanistan.: English Teachers' Strategies and students’ Learning Skills.
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Educational Studies.
2013 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 40 credits / 60 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Lack of professional teachers in the field of language and lack of awareness of the students from applying constructive methods (dialogue, monologue, pair interactions) of learning languages in the classrooms weakened improvement in this area. It is common in Afghanistan that classes consist of a large number of students sitting in TTCs' classroom, teaching them a subject such as language is not so easy to involve all the students in the activities supposed to be fulfilled. In this case, constructive methods are hardly possible to be practiced in such classes, especially for teachers with low professional qualification. In the recent 10 years, international community and organizations provided generous support to education in different aspects, of which teacher education is one of the most important one. This study is done in Herat TTCs to explore TTCs lecturers’ teaching strategies of English and learning skills used by students

This study is about the teaching strategies used by teachers and learning strategies used by the students during teaching and learning in the classrooms in Herat TTCs. The study teachers' and students’ views on how they teach and learn English language and how teachers are using different strategies during their teaching in the classrooms in TTCs.

The data was collected through questionnaires given for the students (perspective teachers) and teacher educators (lecturer teaching English at TTCs). Also for the comparison of the students and teacher's responds, 20 classes were observed.

It has been found that, generally, teachers at TTCs are still following quite a behaviorist ways of teaching. It obviously is limiting students' participation in the activities done in the classroom. This study also shows that teacher educators and students rarely use other sources of teaching and learning such as library, internet than textbooks, which can have important, specially teaching and learning English. Most of the teachers said that they used newspapers, TVs, cassette players and other materials as they all are very effective in teaching English language but since their performance was observed most of them did not used them. There might be different reasons why they do not use these materials, although they know the importance of it as they expressed. It could be due to unawareness of them from these materials or they may not be eager and interested in using these materials. It is also possible that they just wanted to give a positive answer to our question but or nor clear what does it mean. On the whole there is a contradiction between what the teachers said and what the teachers did. It is mentionable that all these needs were mostly felt in rural satellite TTCs where hundreds of students are training as in-service students who are teachers on the opposite shift and mostly they are on in-service training i.e. they are teachers of schools at the same when attending TTCs. Some teachers agreed that reading textbooks is also a mean by which we can improve students' reading skill beside other essential materials used in the classrooms. None of the respondent teachers had any other ways for improving their students' reading skill.

Based on teachers' responses teachers use different strategies for the improving their students' writing skills, but most of the them practice on the students in the class, e.g. 50% give the students task to do in the class, however few of them give tasks as homework. On the other hand, there were few teachers who just taught only writing rules for their students. Another strategy that can help students' writing skill is writing from their own life, which was used by only by few teachers, however they claimed it is really working well.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
National Category
Educational Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-34513OAI:, id: diva2:759216
Subject / course
Applied Pedagogy
Educational program
Master of Education and Didactics (60/120 credits)
Available from: 2014-11-03 Created: 2014-10-29 Last updated: 2014-11-03Bibliographically approved

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