This essay has examined the elements of Swedish fan culture. We have been using an internet-based survey with a response rate of 418 persons received a wealth of information that we have compiled. Here we have questions about what we really think about what has happened recently? Is hooliganism part of the supporter culture? If you have to be afraid of seeing a Premier Division football match? Some of us seem to think this, but many more do not. How do we get these disturbances disappear ? There are countries with the same problem that made the changes and got positive results.
The concept of hooliganism has been around since the 1960s and was already a growing problem. The problem started in England in recent years, spreading the problem further out in other European countries.
By this study we used a quantitative approach, since we felt it was appropriate to get the best possible results. With the help of the computer program SPSS and Survey and report we have been able to make a good summary of the information we received and best reported this in this paper . Here you can take part of what our respondents think about hooliganism , safety, security on the home and away games , etc.
The results that we got was that the safety on the Swedish stadiums should be revised , lower ticket prices to increase audience numbers, better arrangements around the stadiums, that the view of hooliganism has an economical connection etc.