This paper explores knowledge dynamics processes applied on an initiative aiming to develop an innovation system for a bio based economy.
Demands for conversions into ecological sustainable production calls for the development of new knowledge. Knowledge from diverse disciplines have to come together to develop new knowledge needed for solving problems to advance a green economy. Radical, rather than incremental innovations of products, services and processes are required. The development of new knowledge takes place in complex relationships between different types of actors located in diverse places. Actors include SMEs, transnational firms, universities, research institutions and public agencies. Knowledge interactions across sectors, scales and actors can be called knowledge dynamics.
This paper deals with the initiative ‘Paper province 2.0 – an innovation system for a bio based economy’. It builds on extensive triple helix networks centred in the cluster organisation ‘The Paper Province’ incorporating pulp- and paper technology firms, KIBS and other actors in Värmland and neighbouring areas in Sweden. The networks of the cluster are as complex as the relations described above.
The initiative has won support from Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems to work up an application to the Vinnväxt programme. Successful initiatives win funding for 10 years to through radical initiatives develop strong, internationally competitive innovation systems within strategic areas of importance for sustainable regional development.
In what ways are knowledge interactions across sectors, scales and actors present and have capacity to contribute to the green economy through developing an innovation system for a bio based economy?