The county of Värmland is a sparsely built region with an high average of car travelling than the rest of the Swedish population. Since 2009 Värmland has tried to attain a climate goal, which implies that Värmland shall not have any net carbondioxide emissions by 2030. There is municipal plans for the expansion of Karlstad’s production of biogas, by using food waste as a substrate. The substrate which originates from waste products is both renewable and contributes less carbondioxide emissions than most other fuels. The transportation sector in Sweden is the biggest consumer of petrol, which contributes to high carbondioxide emssions. Biogas has a high energy content which makes it a suitable fuel to replace fosil fuels in the transportation sector and decrease the dependency on oil.
The prospect of the production of biogas in Värmland looks promising, especially in those municipalities which can contribute with substrate from large industries and agricultural sector. The fuel which car users use contain a mix of biogas and naturalgas and is often called CNG-gas, these past few years the CNG-gas blend has had a higher amount of biogas, but if the biogas proportion increases, than the use of CNG-gas would have an even smaller impact on the environment.
The purpose of the survey is to show what attitude the road users in Värmland have towards
biogas as a green fuel,
The survey had 46 respondents settled in Värmland, the result show that they are willing to decrease the environmental impact from transports, and biogas produced from waste products is seen as an environmental friendly alternative fuel.