The Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and climate change all direct attention to the importance of disaster preparedness, both at an individual and societal level. Disaster preparedness has also received increasing attention internationally, for instance through the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. This global framework as well as the research literature stress the importance of promoting education on disaster preparedness and how schools play a key role in this regard (Johnson et al. 2014; Pfefferbaum et al. 2018; Selby and Kagawa 2012). In our study, a systematic literature review shows that there is extensive international research on the integration of disaster preparedness in school education. However, corresponding research is lacking for the Swedish school. The Swedish Agency for Education emphasises the importance of schools working proactively with disaster preparedness (Skolverket 2022), but there are currently no guidelines regarding teaching in this area. There exists some educational material on disaster preparedness aimed at schoolchildren in the later years of elementary school and in upper secondary school, e.g. from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) (2022), but it is currently up to the individual teacher to include this in the teaching. In the present study, an investigation of the conditions for integrating disaster preparedness into teaching in elementary school was carried out, as a first step in a larger study that aims to develop a research-based teaching program for the earlier years of elementary school. Based on the international research literature on teaching about disaster preparedness, a text analysis of primary school curricula in the social study subjects and science studies, grade 1-6, was made. Preliminary results show that there are no explicit links to disaster preparedness in the current curricula. However, there is potential to align education on disaster preparedness to the existing curricular content.