The International Classification for Nursing Practice is a comprehensive terminology representing the domain of nursing practice. A categorization of the diagnoses/outcomes and interventions may further increase the usefulness of the terminology in clinical practice. The aim of this study was to categorize the precoordinated concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice into subsets for nursing diagnoses/outcomes and interventions using the structure of an established documentation model. The aim was also to investigate the distribution of the precoordinated concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice across the different areas of nursing practice. The method was a descriptive content analysis using a deductive approach. The VIPS model was used as a theoretical framework for categorization. The results showed that all the precoordinated concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice could be categorized according to the keywords in the VIPS model. It also revealed the parts of nursing practice covered by the concepts of the International Classification for Nursing Practice as well as the parts that needed to be added to the International Classification for Nursing Practice. This has not been identified in earlier subsets as they covered only one specific area of nursing.