This presentation consists of a text based study of Asians in Sweden and Swedish anti-Asian racism.The purpose is to account for and examine the incipient emergence of a new Swedish racial minorityin the form of Swedish Asians within the context of how Asians in Sweden are experiencing andresponding to anti-Asian racism as well as how Swedish society at large acknowledges the presence ofAsians in Sweden and the existence of anti-Asian racism within the country and how other minoritiesview and treat Asians.Theoretically, the study conceptualizes the on-going development of the emergence of a Swedish Asianminority as a racial formation and the examined text material is based on published original Swedishlanguage texts in the form of autobiographical books and media articles which Asians in Swedenthemselves have written or which are about the group in the form of for example interviews andreportages. The study argues that it was during the pandemic years of 2020-2021 that the Asians inSweden emerged for the first time as a Swedish racial minority and that this emergence must beunderstood as a result of previous Swedish Asian experiences of and responses to Swedish anti-Asianracism and Asians’ historical and contemporary relations to other minorities.