There is a need for digital innovation initiatives in rural areas, where rural development has been marginalised in favor of urban development. By combining tourism research on digital innovation in rural areas with service design, and value-creating processes, this paper contributes with processes for rural digital innovation and solutions encompassed for Swedish businesses in rural settings. The proposed project Smart villages in Sweden aims to increase knowledge and understanding, together with businesses, of how smart solutions can address some of the challenges in rural Sweden and how these can contribute to thriving businesses. The general research question is: How can ‘Smart Villages’ be used as a concept to overcome challenges and support sustainable communities for businesses in Sweden? Smart in this context means developing and innovating services and digital solutions that have grown out of the local needs and conditions.
Based on a proven methodology, a three-step model, this paper argues for the use of a participatory approach, a place-based approach, focusing on bottom-up perspective and a collaborative, creative way of working in rural digital development and innovation. Adding a geomedia perspective this paper contributes with a methodological approach to create sustainable villages and adding that technology can only support sustainable development if the technology itself is sustainably developed. The presented digital innovation process for rural businesses therefore shifts focus from technology as focus for development, to technology to support for development.