This paper draws on empirical insights from two ongoing research projects, both of which are concerned with how we live and work with – or without – digital media: Hot desks in cool places: Coworking spaces as post-digital industry and movement (Karlstad University, PI André Jansson) and Intrusive media, ambivalent users, and digital detox (Digitox) (University of Oslo, PI Trine Syvertsen). With cues taken mainly from multi-sited ethnography in coworking spaces and qualitative interviews with (dis-)connected knowledge workers, I inquire about top-down and bottom-up forms of boundary work that are undertaken to produce particular workstyles and workspaces. I pay particular attention to expressions of what I shall call ’the post-digitalization of work’; that is, to the socio-spatial shaping of contemporary (knowledge) work by disconnectivity ideals and feelings of digital unease.