Background: The school and its teachers have a responsibility to meet all children's needs for physical activity, including the needs of gifted children. Some gifted children will find it easy to be physically active and participate in the subject of Physical Education at school, while there is research that indicates that gifted students may also encounter challenges in being physically active. As studies on gifted students and physical activity, especially in a school setting is scarce, it is therefor a need of synthesizing the current evidence base.
Objective: The aim of the study is to identify types of available evidence in the field of gifted students and physical activity, foremost in school settings, and thereby identify gaps in the research knowledge.
Method: Scoping literature review.
Result: The results of the literature review will aim to show gaps in knowledge where future research is needed, and also shed light on existing knowledge about gifted students and physical activity which will be useful especially for teachers in Physical Education who meet these students in the school setting.