In Swedish compulsory school, pupils are supposed to develop digital competence. The technology subject for lower secondary school (pupils at age 13-15) serves several opportunities for pupils to work with and develop their digital competence. For instance, when pupils are working with designing models and at the same time are using digital tools. The aim of this study, conducted within a research school with teachers as researchers, was to develop knowledge about teachers’ experiences of teaching with models and modelling represented with digital tools. Swedish technology teachers have been interviewed about their experiences of this teaching, and the interviews have been analyzed using thematical and phenomenographical approaches. The results show that the teaching has more learning outcomes then are expressed by the teachers. Based on the results, it is arguable that it is important for teacher students, as for in-service teachers, to notice, identify and conceptualize these non-expressed outcomes when planning and enacting their lessons. With this poster session, some examples of outcomes when teaching with models represented with digital tools are presented; a possible teaching progression; and finally, the importance of interweaving theoretical and practical elements from this specific area of technology education, and how this could be done in practice.