Social sustainability – including equity and non-discrimination related to religion and worldviews – is central to all higher education. Regarding preschool teacher education (PTE), the Higher Education Ordinance highlights the ability to promote social sustainability in preschool. Therefore, students need opportunities and support to develop socially sustainable professionalism. We argue that this includes the competence to provide age-appropriate worldview education and an ethic of care in preschool, including openness and sensitivity to children's expressions of existential life issues and worldviews. In Sweden, there are no previous studies investigating the content or discourse of PTEs from the perspectives of religion and worldviews. Research does show challenges related to problematic discourses on diversity and interculturality in teacher programs. Furthermore, previous findings illustrate that for students to become aware of their personal worldviews and values, PTE needs to provide them with the competence to teach accurate knowledge content regarding religion and worldviews and to create safe spaces for students’ self-reflection. Our ongoing pilot study of Swedish PTEs is based on program plans and websites of all 20 programs. The analysis focuses on the content and discursive norms, regarding religion and worldviews on a national policy level, and the methods used, are discourse analysis and content analysis. The result shows that only one program plan mentions religion and worldviews explicitly, which means a lack of policy incentive for teachers in the programs to highlight it in their teaching. However, this single example needs to be studied more closely via other materials, as are the PTEs that do not address religion or worldviews in their program plans. The pilot study, along with a theoretical and analytical tool created for this purpose, is going to serve as the starting point for a larger, in-depth national research project where this will be done.