Last decades the wolves in Sweden has grown in numbers and their presence has produced a lot of infected debates and conflicts. The main aversion is not towards the physical wolves. Rather it consists of disappointment with the wolf management, which by some is perceived as an urban attack upon a traditional rural lifestyle. In this context, the physical wolves becomes rather powerless actants in larger wolf-bodies consisting of mainly human conflicts.
In the legal discourse, however, the wolves are defined as juridical and ecological entities. This reduces the wolf conflicts into technical and managerial issues, solved with legal and ecological tools. Thus it veils the rhizomes of political natures underlying the etiquette ‘Wolf’.
Inspired by Deleuze, post-humanism and legal pluralism I map legal relations of wolf-bodies as processes of becoming between actants in a co-produced landscape. This makes it possible to return to the question of the physical wolf but with different tools. Instead of a legal dogmatic discussion around internal coherence, it allows a search for spaces, relations or issues in the landscapes with potential for negotiations that can affect the situation of the physical wolves.