Några aspekter på massafibrers hydrofobicitet och hur dennakan nyttjas vid rening av oljespill.
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Some aspects on pulp fibers hydrophobicity and how it can beused when cleaning oil spills. (English)
Abstract [en]
This work is about biosorption and how this is affected by mechanical work in the form ofcompression. The report begins with a literature study on oil spills and which methods areused industrially for oil clean-up. Currently, oil is still widely used, but in recent years therehas been an increased awareness and demand for alternative, sustainable solutions. Oil-basedproducts are very useful in many sectors and in connection with the increasing demand, oilmust be transported, and this has led to negative consequences in the form of oil spills. Oilremediation takes place with the help of a hydrophobic material that absorbs oil and repelswater.In connection with the increasing demand on oil, oil spills will continue to occur. This willrequire a new and more efficient technique that is adapted to the circumstances. One of thesehave been developed by the Company Biosorbe AB which develops an oil absorbent”biosorbent”. Unlike other remediation methods, the biosorbent is biodegradable.Thebiosorbent shall exhibit hydrophobicity and high absorption capacity to be considered as agood oil remediation method. Currently, the product’s structure limits its use, and it isdesirable to compress the mass in form of sheets and pellets at the same time as the biosorbentmaintains its hydrophobic properties.This work consisted of two parts, a preliminary study, and principal study. The main purposeof the preliminary study was to provide information for the principal study. In the preliminarystudy, sheets made by Biosorbe AB, and self-made sheets were analysed. The produced sheetswere compressed with different pressure to provide conditions for the principal study. In theprincipal study, further sheets with different weights were made. The properties of the sheetswere studied before and after the compression. This experiment focused on studying therelationship between compression pressure and biosorbent’s ability to absorb water. Byexamining the contact angle formed between the water droplets and the surface of thebiosorbent, it is possible to determinate this relationship. The applied pressure during theprincipal study was in the range of 5–20 bar and the applied nipload was calculated. A clearchange in the biosorbent hydrophobic properties was shown between the pressure range 15–20 bar.Further studies were carried out. Here, it was studied how biosorbent’s charge was affectedwith pressure. For the analysis, the instrument Mütek PCD-Two were used to determine thecationic charge requirements of the samples. It was found that the greater the cationic chargerequired, the stronger the charge for the sample. Although there is a clear relationshipindicating that the hydrophobicity of the samples decreased with increasing appliedcompression pressure, the sample with the lowest compression pressure was found morecharged and with highest cationic charge requirement.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [sv]
oljeläckage, sorbenter, biosorbent, Biosorbe AB.
National Category
Chemical Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-96439OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kau-96439DiVA, id: diva2:1790528
External cooperation
Biosorbe Ab
Subject / course
Chemical Engineering
Educational program
Engineering Chemical Engineering (300 ECTS credits)
2023-08-232023-08-232023-08-23Bibliographically approved