Future pellet plants will need to be more flexible regarding the need to vary the feedstock species and increase the areas for biomass. By blending biomass species, pellets can be a solution that meets new desirable specifications for different conversion pathways, such as biochemical, thermochemical, and biopower. In this chapter, the authors address opportunities for blending and densification to homogenize the chemical composition of biomaterials and improve the potential for other processing and transformation methods. The advantages of blending biomasses are many: increasing the potential supply of biomass, creating new markets, reducing raw material costs, and improving biomass flow and pelletizing properties. Important densification parameters to keep in mind are highlighted, and five different studies are summarized; these include investigations from a single pellet press study to briquette applications. Some conclusions are that blending woody and herbaceous biomasses yields products with uniform product quality in terms of physical properties and chemical composition. Furthermore, blending pine and switchgrass yields a compressed product with higher density and durability while reducing energy consumption.