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Skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 - en inkluderande katastrofhantering?: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om gruppers prioritering, social ojämlikhet och resursfördelning
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Political, Historical, Religious and Cultural Studies (from 2013).
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Forest fire in Västmanland 2014 - an inclusive disatser management? : A qualitative content analysis on groups prioritization, social inequality and resource distribution (English)
Abstract [sv]

Ett förändrat klimat ökar risken för fler frekventa skogsbränder, skogsbränder som spås vara mer intensiva än tidigare sett. Det här ger ett behov av att ha en fungerande katastrofhantering när en skogsbrand sker. Krav ställs även på ledande aktörer att besitta den kunskap och erfarenhet som krävs för att kunna hantera en omfattande skogsbrand. Det ställer även krav på att identifiera och bemöta de olika behov som kan uppstå vid en katastrof, samt ge samtliga drabbade samma möjligheter och en jämlik resursfördelning.


Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur resursfördelningen såg ut mellan personal, samt undersöka hur exponerade boende samt skogsägare informerats och omhändertagits under skogsbranden. Den metod som använts för denna studie är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats, där två rapporter om skogsbranden analyserades. Resultatet visade att det fanns en snedvriden resursfördelning mellan brandmännen och administrativ personal, där brandmännen tilldelades flest resurser. Resultatet visade även att skogsägarna omhändertogs väl och fick särskilda informationsplatser, samtidigt som exponerade boende utsattes för onödiga risker vid evakueringarna som skedde. Boende som inte talade svenska fick i vissa områden tillgång till information och stöd men var bristfälligt i andra områden.

Abstract [en]

A changing climate increases the risk of more frequent forest fires, forest fires that are predicted to be more intense than previously seen. This creates a need to have a functioning disaster management system when a forest fire occurs. Demands are also placed on leading actors to possess the knowledge and experience required to be able to handle an extensive forest fire. It also requires identifying and responding to the various needs that may arise in the event of a disaster, as well as giving all those affected the same opportunities and an equal distribution of resources.


The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the distribution of resources looked between personnel, as well as investigate how exposed residents and forest owners were informed and taken care of during the forest fire. The method used for this study is a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach, where two reports about the forest fire were analyzed. The result showed that there was a skewed distribution of resources between the firefighters and administrative staff, where the firefighters were allocated the most resources. The result also showed that the forest owners were well taken care of and given special information points, while exposed residents were exposed to unnecessary risks during the evacuations that took place. Residents who did not speak Swedish had access to information and support in some areas but were inadequate in other areas.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 55
Keywords [en]
Social inequality, resource distribution, forest fire, disaster management
Keywords [sv]
Social ojämlikhet, resursfördelning, skogsbrand, katastrofhantering
National Category
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-95920OAI:, id: diva2:1779177
Subject / course
Risk and environmental studies
Educational program
Environment and Safety (Bachelor program) , 180 hp
Available from: 2023-07-17 Created: 2023-07-03 Last updated: 2023-07-17Bibliographically approved

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Department of Political, Historical, Religious and Cultural Studies (from 2013)
Social Sciences InterdisciplinaryEnvironmental SciencesSocial Sciences

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