The article is a pilot study into student-supervisor interaction and the articulation of practical or silent knowledge on how to teach for historical thinking. It investigates experienced teachers’ strategies and methods in teaching during supervision of students during their place-based training. The basic assumption is that experienced teachers’ silent or practical knowledge is articulated in the meeting with less experienced students under their supervision. The used method was therefore to tap into the feedback loops of supervision. This was done through participating in and recording supervision meetings, which was then followed up by interviews with both supervisors and students. The article is therefore also a pilot test of this method. In the material all six aspects of historical thinking were present, although in different ways. No student planes a lesson aiming at teaching historical significance. This dimension was on the contrary very present in the supervisor-student discussions, especially on how to teach the two dimensions continuity and change and cause and consequence. Similarly, the two dimensions primary source evidence and historical perspective-taking were interrelated, especially as primary sources were considered a good way to make pupils take the perspective of historical actors. The ethical dimension of history was not subject to direct teaching, nor present in the supervisor-student discussions. It was however only implicitly present in the way both supervisors and students struggled with how to connect their teaching to everyday life of the pupils and relate it to the societal structures, norms, and values of historical societies.