Paranormal phenomena and the occult are today common in mainstream Western popular culture, which is in several countries also reflected in national tourism. This is not really the case in Sweden, whose official self-image is built on modernity, secularism, and rationalism. Still, on a folk level there are signs of what is often called the post-secular, a spiritually informed worldview characterised by openness towards the otherworldly, indicating a cultural reaction akin to a re-enchantment of the world. This chapter discusses the use of the paranormal in Swedish regional tourism, with the province Värmland as a case study. A working hypothesis is that the tourism industry may sanction certain aspects of the paranormal, such as ghosts, through their objectification of them, while others, for example UFOs, are not considered suitable, despite their presence in mainstream popular culture. Still, it seems that Swedish paranormal tourism has a long way to go before reaching the levels of, for example, the United Kingdom or the United States.