Open this publication in new window or tab >>2023 (English)Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
In this thesis we derive various generalizations and refinements of some classical inequalities in different function spaces. We consider some of the most important inequalities namely the Hardy, Pólya-Knopp, Jensen, Minkowski and Beckenbach-Dresher inequalities. The main focus is put on the Hardy and their limit Pólya-Knopp inequalities. Indeed, we derive such inequalities even in a general Banach functionsetting.
The thesis consists of three papers (A, B and C) and an introduction, which put these papers into a more general frame. This introduction has also independent interest since it shortly describe the dramatic more than 100 years of development of Hardy-type inequalities. It contains both well-known and very new ideas and results.
In paper A we prove and discuss some new Hardy-type inequalities in Banach function space settings. In particular, such a result is proved and applied for a new general Hardy operator, which is introduced in this paper (this operator generalizes the usualHardy kernel operator). These results generalize and unify several classical Hardy-type inequalities.
In paper B we prove some new refined Hardy-type inequalities again in Banach function space settings. The used (super quadraticity) technique is also illustrated by making refinements of some generalized forms of the Jensen, Minkowski and Beckenbach-Dresher inequalities. These results both generalize and unify several results of this type.
In paper C for the case 0<p≤q<∞ we prove some new Pólya-Knopp inequalities in two and higher dimensions with good two-sided estimates of the sharp constants. By using this result and complementary ideas it is also proved a new multidimensional weighted Pólya-Knopp inequality with sharp constant.
Abstract [en]
In this thesis we derive various generalizations and refinements of some classical inequalities in different function spaces. We consider some of the most important inequalities namely the Hardy, Pólya-Knopp, Jensen, Minkowski and Beckenbach-Dresher inequalities. The main focus is put on the Hardy and their limit, Pólya-Knopp inequalities. Indeed, we derive such inequalities even in a general Banach function setting.
We prove and discuss some new Hardy-type inequalities in Banach function space settings. In particular, such a result is proved and applied for a new general Hardy operator. These results generalize and unify several classical Hardy-type inequalities.
Next, we prove some new refined Hardy-type inequalities again in Banach function space settings. We used superquadraticity technique to prove refinements of some classical inequalities.
Finally, for the case 0<p≤q<∞, we prove some new Pólya-Knopp inequalities in two and higher dimensions with good two-sided estimates of the sharp constants. By using this result and complementary ideas it is also proved a new multidimensional weighted Pólya-Knopp inequality with sharp constant.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2023. p. 41
Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099 ; 2023:27
integral inequalities, Hardy-type inequalities, Pólya-Knopp’s inequality, Jensen’s inequality, Minkowski’s inequality, Beckenbach-Dresher’s inequality, sharp constants, measures, superquadratic functions, refinements, Banach function spaces
National Category
Mathematical Analysis
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-96696 (URN)978-91-7867-402-2 (ISBN)978-91-7867-403-9 (ISBN)
2023-11-22, Rejmer Lecture Hall, 9C204, Karlstad University, Karlstad, 10:15 (English)
2023-10-122023-09-132023-11-24Bibliographically approved