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Vad är en organisationsidentitet och hur kommuniceras den?: En kvalitativ studie om kommunikatörers relation till organisationsidentitet.
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Geography, Media and Communication (from 2013).
Karlstad University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (starting 2013), Department of Geography, Media and Communication (from 2013).
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
What is organizational identity and how is it communicated? : A qualitative study about the relationship between communication professionals and organizational identity. (English)
Abstract [en]

A society with more organizations that want to reach out with their messages, as well as an increasingly changing role as a communicator form the background and the problem area of this study. This essay is placed within the area of organizational identity, more specifically how communicators communicate and maintain an organizational identity, and whether organizational identity can contribute to sensemaking within the organization. The study also examines communicators' familiarity with the concept of organizational identity and what their perception of the concept looks like. This study is based on a theoretical framework that consists of theory about the concept of organizational identity, Corporate Identity Mix, the SIR COPE model and sensemaking in the form of Communicative Constitution of Organizations and Employee Communication Behavior. The study's research gap is shown by taking up the already existing research in the areas of the role of communicators in the organization, the internal management of organizational identity and sensemaking linked to communication.  

 The empirical material was collected through qualitative interviews that used two focus groups, consisting of a total of eight communication professionals. The result shows that the knowledge of the concept of organizational identity is relatively low among the respondents, but similar concepts were used instead. The perceptions around the concept after a definition was established, were positive and the respondents considered it important for a communicator to know what an organizational identity is. What the results also show is that the respondents communicate organizational identity by highlighting what makes an organization unique. The role of the communication professionals is described in the results as leading in the communication of organizational identity, but also in other communication issues that concern the entire organization. The result indicates that organizations benefit from investing resources in communication management. The result also showed that sensemaking can be achieved within the organization, but it was not something that the organizations actively worked on, but rather something that they hoped would arise because of their work. The conclusions of this essay are that the concept of organizational identity was unknown to the professional role of communicators. Another conclusion is that the communicator has an important role in communicating and maintaining the organizational identity. The study also concluded that sensemaking is difficult to work with but that it can be achieved through work with the organizational identity.  

Abstract [sv]

Ett samhälle med fler organisationer som vill nå ut med sina budskap, samt en alltmer förändrad roll som kommunikatör utgör bakgrunden och problemområdet till denna studie. Denna uppsats är placerad inom området organisationskommunikation, mer specifikt hur kommunikatörer kommunicerar och upprätthåller en organisationsidentitet, samt om en organisationsidentitet kan bidra till meningsskapande inom organisationen. I studien undersöks även kommunikatörers kännedom om begreppet organisationsidentitet och hur deras uppfattning om begreppet. Denna studie har sin grund i ett teoretiskt ramverk som utgörs av teori om begreppet organisationsidentitet, Corporate Identity Mix, SIR COPE-modellen och meningsskapande i form av Communicative Constitution of Organizations och Employee Communication Behavior. Studiens forskningslucka visas genom att ta upp den redan existerande forskningen inom områdena kommunikatörers roll i organisationen, organisationsidentitetens interna hantering och meningsskapande kopplat till kommunikation.    

Studiens empiriska material samlades in genom en kvalitativ undersökning som genomförde två fokusgruppsintervjuer, bestående av sammanlagt åtta kommunikatörer. Resultatet visar att kännedomen om begreppet organisationsidentitet är relativt låg bland deltagarna, däremot användes likande begrepp i stället. Uppfattningarna kring begreppet efter att en definition var fastställd, var positiva och deltagarna ansåg det viktigt för en kommunikatör att veta vad en organisationsidentitet är. Vad resultatet även visar är att deltagarna kommunicerar organisationsidentitet genom att framhäva vad som gör en organisation unik. Kommunikatörens roll beskrivs i resultatet som ledande i kommunikationen av organisationsidentitet, men även i andra kommunikationsfrågor som rör hela organisationen. Det resultatet indikerar är att organisationer gynnas av att satsa resurser på kommunikationshantering. Resultatet visade även att meningsskapande går att uppnå inom organisationen, men det var inget som organisationerna jobbade aktivt med utan det var något som de hoppades skulle uppstå som en följd i deras arbete. Slutsatserna av denna uppsats är att begreppet organisationsidentitet var okänt hos yrkesrollen kommunikatörer. En annan slutsats är att kommunikatören innehar en viktig roll i att kommunicera och upprätthålla organisationsidentiteten. Studien kom också fram till slutsatsen att meningsskapande är svårt att arbete med men att det går att uppnå genom arbetet med organisationsidentiteten.  

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 71
Keywords [en]
Organization communication, organizational identity, communication professionals, sensemaking and focus group interview.
Keywords [sv]
Organisationskommunikation, organisationsidentitet, kommunikatör, meningsskapande och fokusgruppsintervju.
National Category
Communication Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-93282OAI:, id: diva2:1736226
Subject / course
Media and Communication Studies
Educational program
Study programme in Public Relations
Available from: 2023-02-14 Created: 2023-02-12 Last updated: 2023-02-14Bibliographically approved

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Department of Geography, Media and Communication (from 2013)
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