In dual vocational education, learning takes place in several arenas. Research hasshown that it is often complicated for pupils to integrate learning from these differentarenas, since there is a perceived gap they are supposed to bridge. In previousresearch, we have studied how teachers use digital technology as boundary objectsto bridge the gaps and to facilitate the learning process for the pupils when they areat workplaces. The aim of this study is to gain more knowledge about how pupilsexperience their teachers’ efforts to facilitate their learning across arenas when usingdigital multi-modal logbook as a boundary object between school and workplaces invocational education.Theoretical framework.The study builds on theories of boundary crossing, which is based in cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) (Tuomi-Gröhn & Engeström, 2003). The specific theoretical framework used as a complement to the CHAT framework, is a Multilevel Boundary Crossing framework developed by Akkerman and Bruining (2016). The levels in this framework are intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional respectively.The combined analysis will enable the degree and kind of boundary crossing that facilitate student learning or may cause contradictions. This will give a more nuanced view of pupils’ learning when moving between learning arenas in their vocational education.The results from this study are relevant for understanding how digital technology can contribute to teaching and learning in vocational education which take place in two different learning arenas.