People adopt geographical strategies to distance themselves from digital sociality. Rather than merely turning off devices, they engage in a broader, more durable project of disentangling. This effort responds to the homogenizing, standardizing forces of connective media and their coercive entanglements: socially normalized routines of personal media use, hybridizations of human agency with communication technologies, and digitally mediated activities that generate predictive and prescriptive products. Geographical attention to disentangling is merited by the fact that it comes in local variants and brings questions of place and human territoriality back onto the agenda in significantly new ways as part of a postdigital territoriality. We offer two vignettes revealing place's role as protective, with its territoriality drawing a line around the self. We argue that postdigital territoriality inevitably reflects a differentiated terrain of gender, income, profession, and other elements of positionality.