A linear optimization has been made to examine the economic viabilityof incorporating battery storage in a wind farm in Sweden. The studyexamines a future wind farm with 10 10 MW turbines. An orographicmapping with height differences and vegetation has been used incombination with measured wind data with IEC-rated anemometersand wind direction sensors between 1997 and 2017 to create asimulated production in the windPRO software. This effect, togetherwith hourly prices from 2021 from Nord pool in SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4and in Estonia, has been used in a linear optimization in Matlab to findthe battery capacity that generates the most revenue. 3 Scenarios areinvestigated where scenario 1 is a wind farm without battery storagewhere all electricity produced is sold directly at the current price.Scenario 2 also lacks battery storage and has a power limit of 75 MWat the transformer whilst the farm still produces 100 MW. Scenario 3has a power limit of 75 MW at the transformer and the possibility ofbattery storage.