Through a wide range of international and national policies (cf. Redecker 2017; Unesco 2018) , education in Sweden and many other countries today faces strong demands to become digitalized. Hence, teachers are under pressure to implement digital resources in instruction (Player-Koro, Bergviken Rensfeldt and Selwyn 2017) . This has been shown to profoundly reframe the classroom as a learning space. A general change that the digitalization of the school seems to contribute to is a movement from collective forms of work to a greater individualization (Selwyn 2016) . While ‘one-to-one’ approaches that equip each student with digital resources seem to provide many practical benefits for teaching, the school is less able to prepare students to participate in a more critical approach to the digitalized society (Davies 2017) . New technologies are often subordinated to traditional classroom teaching practices and negotiated away when the new...