Secret Share (SS) is becoming a very hot topic within the scientific community. It allows us to split a secret into fragments and to share them among parties in such a way that a subset can recompose the original information. SS techniques assure a high redundancy degree, but the security level is fixed. Therefore, if a minimum number of peers collude then attackers can recompose the secret easily. A possible approach to improve the security of SS is designing nest fragment sharing techniques. In this paper, we propose the Nested Secret Share (NSS) as a more reliable and scalable strategy. In particular, we discuss the security of NSS considering the number of recomposition attempts that an attacker has to perform to retrieve the secret and then we deeply analyse the impact of the redundancy and the number of peers on the secret management against the percentage of compromised nodes. Experiments were promising and showed that the redundancy degree of SS can be highly improved by NSS.