This essay is a review of what two Christian Swedish newspapers write about Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism is a phenomenon that began to take root in Protestant Christianmovements shortly after the Reformation. Following Martin Luther's idea that Christiansshould read the Bible themselves and not rely on a corrupt clergy, various interpretations ofthe text took shape. One group interpreted the apocalyptic texts about Jesus' return as possible only if the Jews were allowed to return to Palestine. This is the basis of what has cometo be known as Christian Zionism. The method used is content analysis where I divided theessay into three parts based on the content of the newspaper articles. Those who are negativeto the phenomenon, those who are positive to it and those who are ambivalent between positive and negative views. The result is that one newspaper Världen idag seems very positiveabout the phenomenon, while the newspaper Dagen publishes articles that see Christian Zionism as a major problem for the peace in the Middle East