Niklas Gericke Brian Hudson Christina Olin-Scheller Martin Stolare Knowledge building in schools can be a transformative and empowering process, transforming pupils’ capacities, sense of self-efficacy and agency, while also acting as a powerful engine of social justice and social transformation (Muller 2016) . Still, knowledge building is notorious for sometimes being a dry and inert process that makes little difference to pupils’ lives and entrenches social inequality (Young and Muller 2010) . This book aims to develop understanding of how educators and education systems can ensure that school-based knowledge building reaches its transformative potential. In so doing, it draws on the concepts ‘powerful knowledge’ and ‘epistemic quality’ to help understand knowledge building’s qualities when it is effective and empowering, and how educational processes can build and develop these characteristics. The underlying research studies focus on the ways in which knowledge itself is transformed as it is re-contextualized at the individual,...