The aim of the study is to describe and discuss how the lens of practice architectures can be used to understand and develop the educational practice within the Swedish national school leader programme. Data is derived from a pilot study comprising observations in a group of school leaders attending the programme. Two researchers followed the educator during three days, taking notes in an observation protocol. The focus was on the sayings, doings and relatings being expressed in the practice. In the analysis, the empirical data have been used to make visible how the educational practice is enabled and constrained. The theory of practice architectures (Kemmis & Grootenboer, 2008) is based on an ontology regarding the social world as composed of practices. A practice comes to the fore in sayings, doings and relatings (how the individuals relate within and outside a specific practice). Practice architectures consist of the arrangements that enable and constrain a practice. They are concrete and tangible and they emerge in three intersubjective media: the semantic, the physical and the social dimension. The educational practice in the school leader programme is regarded as part of an ecology of practices (Kemmis et. al., 2014) including the practice of the school leaders learning, the practice of professional learning, etc.