Aim: The aim of the study was to deductively study person-centred care, based on critical care nurses’ experiences during the first phase of the CoViD-19 pandemic. Design: The study used a qualitative design. Method: Data collection was conducted as individual interviews and was analysed with qualitative content analysis with a deductive approach. Participants: Six critical care nurses working in a special CoViD-19 intensive care unit during the first phase of the pandemic participated. Findings: The findings are presented within the four domains of person-centred practice: the prerequisites, the care environment, person-centred processes and person-centred outcomes. While the ambition and knowledge about how to work in accordance with person-centred practice were high, there were several obstacles to perform it. Conclusion: We need to prepare ahead of time so that nurses have optimal organisational prerequisites to be able to work in accordance with person-centred practice, also during pandemics and other crisis, which means to be able to give nursing care in accordance with the ill person's needs and resources.