En undersökning i barnlitteraturen från 1886: -Med ett genusperspektiv
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
A study of children's literature from 1886 : -With a gender perspective (English)
Abstract [en]
The purpose of the essay has been to investigate how the prevailing contemporary norm is presented in children's and young people's literature. Through the dissertation, it is the intention to study how the concept of gender is expressed in the selected literature, and in what way the literature relates to the contemporary traditional norms and values regarding gender and gender roles. The questions that have been central to the work and helped to advance the study are: How do the books relate to the traditional notions of what is feminine and masculine, respectively? Is there any situation or event in the books that could be considered a norm-breaker? Were children and youth literature influenced by the eight-list generation? The year that was relevant for this survey has been 1886, the choice of the year is made at random. Why it became random was because the important ones were not a specific year in that particular decade, but the essential ones were that they would be the same period as the eighties were active writers in Sweden. It can be confusing which subject the essay belongs to because it concerns literature, but the essay belongs to the subject of history, so the idea is not to analyze the literature just as it is but to examine what the literature depicts and tell about society's prevailing norms during the current period. The source material for this essay has thus been fiction, more specifically children and youth literature. The material examined has been both Swedish original stories, and translations from other languages, all stories that were published in the chosen year have been relevant to the work because they can also tell something about their time. In order to be able to analyze the literature, the method has been incredibly significant, all literature has had to be analyzed. This was done through an in-depth reading of the material, and with careful notes and notes, all to facilitate the work of compiling results and analysis. The literature has been analyzed as a reflection of society, and it has been treated as both a surviving and a narrative source. The literature that was analyzed are the books that were published in 1886 according to Libris. The result of the analyzed literature was quite expected, all the literature for children and young people relates clearly and accurately to the traditional notions of what is considered masculine and feminine, respectively. It is clearly described in the books what are considered female much-needed characteristics, less clearly male characteristics are described but it is still possible to distinguish. The position of women is also reflected in the literature, and what women should to a greater extent nurture and be responsible for, by that is meant homes and children. It is not told what the men's occupation is, but it is at least clear that the man is the breadwinner, and that it is the man who is the head of the family. Sometimes certain parts of the literature distance themselves from the prevailing norms and traditional notions in society. When someone in the literature has challenged the traditional notions, it has been a girl, and she is always reprimanded for her behavior. It is not considered positive that a girl doesn't like female occupations, and that is something that needs to be changed. The conclusion of the analysis is that children's and young people's literature has not been influenced by the eighties.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-88477OAI: oai:DiVA.org:kau-88477DiVA, id: diva2:1636984
Subject / course
Educational program
Secondary Education Programme: Upper-Secondary School: History (300 ECTS credits)
2022-02-112022-02-112022-02-11Bibliographically approved