Kristinehamns hospital/Mariebergs mentalsjukhus 1915-1933: En uppsats om patienters sysselsättningar på mentalsjukhuset i Kristinehamn 1915-1933
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Kristinehamns hospital/Mariebergs mental hospital 1915-1933 : An essay on patients' tasks at the mental hospital in Kristinehamn 1915-1933 (English)
Abstract [en]
The purpose of the thesis is to examine Kristinehamn's hospital/Mariebergs hospital's discipline and the jobs the patients were assigned. What is examined is the patients' tasks, which are recorded in the annual reports written by the chief physician each year. The starting point of the essay is 1915 and extends to 1933. The purpose also includes how the annual reports are similar and different from each other and what it says about how the discipline and tasks changed over time. The thesis' method is basically qualitative because Kristinehamn's hospital's annual reports have been interpreted each year. There are also quantitative methods as certain comparisons are made of the patients' number of day labor between the years. The results shows both continuity and changes regarding discipline and employment. The survey shows that many of the compulsory tasks used at the hospital are well-functioning, and over time, there were also tasks on the patients' days off that are described as successful.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 34
Keywords [en]
Kristinehamn, hospital, mental hospital, 20th century, discipline
Keywords [sv]
Kristinehamn, hospital, mentalsjukhus, 1900-tal, disciplinering
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-88236OAI:, id: diva2:1632864
Subject / course
Educational program
Secondary Education Programme: Upper-Secondary School: History (300 ECTS credits)
2022-02-022022-01-272022-02-02Bibliographically approved