Open this publication in new window or tab >>2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
This compilation thesis investigates and compares Nordic literature instruction in the first year of lower secondary school, with the aim of contributing to the knowledge on how lower secondary language arts teachers across the Nordic countries use literary texts in their ordinary instruction and how they promote students’ development of literary competence. Two overarching theoretical perspectives – didactics and literary competence – frame this thesis, which relies on two kinds of data and involves both quantitative and qualitative analyses. The thesis comprises four research articles. Articles 1–3 are based on video observations from 71 literature classrooms that are part of Linking Instruction and Student Achievement, a large-scale Nordic video study, while Article 4 draws on an online questionnaire that was answered by 701 teachers. This thesis shows that literature plays an important role in Nordic language arts instruction. A key finding was that teachers in all Nordic countries, especially Swedish, Icelandic and Finnish teachers, considered the development of students’ reading comprehension a major reason for using literary texts in language arts instruction. Another key finding was the lack of encouragement for literary readings, meaning that students were rarely given the opportunity to develop their literary competence. Even in cases where students were expected to learn to identify genre features and literary devices, this knowledge was not used to promote the aesthetic reading of literary texts. A third key finding was that teachers in all Nordic countries valued reading literature as a way to provide positive reading experiences. They often made student-oriented choices of literary texts and mostly had students read narrative texts, such as short stories and teenage novels. In summary, this thesis reveals that Nordic classrooms should give more space to reading literature for its own sake, not just to achieve general literacy.
Abstract [sv]
Den här sammanläggningsavhandlingen undersöker och jämför nordisk skönlitteraturundervisning under elevernas första år på högstadiet. Den syftar till att bidra med kunskap om hur högstadielärare i de nordiska länderna använder skönlitteratur i sin ordinarie undervisning och hur de främjar elevernas utveckling av litterär kompetens. Två övergripande teoretiska perspektiv, didaktik och litterär kompetens ramar in avhandlingen som bygger på två olika slags data och innefattar både kvantitativa och kvalitativa analyser. Avhandlingen består av fyra forskningsartiklar. Artikel 1–3 bygger på videoobservationer från 71 klassrum med skönlitteratur-undervisning. Dessa klassrum ingår i Linking Instruction and Student Achievement, en storskalig nordisk videostudie. Artikel 4 bygger på en webbenkät som besvarades av 701 lärare. Avhandlingen visar att skönlitteratur spelar en viktig roll i nordisk förstaspråksundervisning. Ett huvudresultat var att lärare i samtliga nordiska länder, särskilt svenska, isländska och finska lärare, framhöll utvecklingen av elevernas läsförståelse som en viktig anledning till att använda skönlitterära texter i undervisningen. Ett annat huvudresultat var att litterära läsningar sällan uppmuntrades, vilket innebar att eleverna sällan fick möjlighet att utveckla sin litterära kompetens. Även i de fall då eleverna förväntades lära sig att identifiera genredrag och litterära verkningsmedel användes inte denna kunskap för att främja estetisk läsning av skönlitterära texter. Ett tredje huvudresultat var att lärare i samtliga nordiska länder värdesatte läsning av skönlitteratur som ett sätt att ge eleverna positiva läsupplevelser. De gjorde ofta elevanpassade val av texter och lät oftast eleverna läsa berättande texter så som noveller och ungdomsromaner. Sammanfattningsvis pekar avhandlingen på att läsning av skönlitteratur för litteraturens egen skull, inte bara för att utveckla generell läsförståelse, behöver få större utrymme i nordiska klassrum.
Abstract [en]
This compilation thesis investigates and compares Nordic literature instruction in the first year of lower secondary school. Drawing on video observations and questionnaire data, it aims to contribute knowledge on how language arts teachers across the Nordic countries use literary texts in their ordinary instruction and how they promote students’ development of literary competence. The thesis and its four research articles show that literature plays an important role in Nordic language arts instruction. A key finding was that teachers in all Nordic countries, especially Swedish, Icelandic and Finnish teachers, considered the development of students’ reading comprehension a major reason for using literary texts in language arts instruction. Another key finding was the lack of encouragement for literary readings, meaning that students were rarely given the opportunity to develop their literary competence. A third key finding was that teachers in all Nordic countries valued reading literature as a way to provide positive reading experiences. In summary, this thesis reveals that Nordic classrooms should give more space to reading literature for its own sake, not just to achieve general literacy.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: Karlstads universitet, 2024. p. 111
Karlstad University Studies, ISSN 1403-8099 ; 2024:27
literature didactics, literary competence, lower secondary school, Nordic countries, video observations, teacher questionnaire, litteraturdidaktik, litterär kompetens, högstadiet, Norden, videoobservationer, lärarenkät
National Category
Pedagogical Work
Research subject
Educational Work
urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-101257 (URN)10.59217/erfa5094 (DOI)978-91-7867-485-5 (ISBN)978-91-7867-486-2 (ISBN)
Public defence
2024-09-27, 9C 203, Karlstad University, Karlstad, 13:00 (Swedish)
2024-09-062024-08-022024-11-26Bibliographically approved