Various measurement methods can be included in a benefit model in order to derive outputs from the benefits of a resource. In this study, the resource is technical information (TI). TI is a resource that some view as having a low status, which affects both the resource and the staff working with it by negatively influencing the work role and the management of the information. The purpose of this study is to design and test a measurement method with TI as the resource. Based on a gen-eral design for measurement methods, there are three steps in this meth-od: the input, the rule and the output. The input consists of interviews; the rule is based on the categorization of the efficient boundary object; and the output is a summation of the categorization. This study is based on a case study at a US technology company in the Midwest with re-spondents on middle management level. The key findings are that the measurement method is useful, but not without flaws. Individual and group interviews used for input lead to a rich wealth of empirical data on the benefits of TI and categorizations of those benefits. However, the method is rather time-consuming. The design requires the researcher to perform several interviews, transcriptions, and analyses. The test implied a discussion on linguistics, both for the input and the rule. The study’s serves to fill a knowledge gap of the benefits of TI in the field of Infor-mation Management, and thereby increase the status of TI.