Speech and language relearning are challenging for stroke survivors as well as for medical caregiv-ers. After a stroke, a patient’s ability to read, write, speak, and listen is decreased to different degrees, which results in a compromised independent life and a decreased quality of life for the patient. Tech-nology enhances systems can play a vital role in this context. However, the available software are not specifically built for after the stroke patient’s needs. This paper is therefore aimed to gather require-ments for designing a tailor-made speech relearning software application for stroke survivors. A de-sign science approach was adopted, where different stakeholders such as medical caregivers and in-formation technology consultants were involved in the process. The well-informed and experienced participants in their fields highlighted some important requirements such as different types of inter-face for a patient than speech therapist with extra management functionality for speech therapists so that they can adjust the relearning exercises according to the patient’s needs. Software requirements vary from patient to patient where the intensity of speech and language impairments, general medical condition of the patient, age, prior experience, and knowledge about the information of the patient and social setup of the patient plays an important role. Since stroke is most common in adults and adults learn differently than children, adult learning theory might help understand the patients’ needs. There-fore, adult learning principles were involved in the requirement analysis process. The established re-quirements will be used for the development of speech and language relearning software.