This paper focuses on managerial and organisational aspects of phased retirement in a large Swedish manufacturing company. Knowledge transfer, career path and rationalisation effects through phased retirement, but also individual effects were investigated. The study shows that phased retirement is good for both the individual and the organisation, when it is managed successfully. The individuals increase their well-being and get better balance between work and leisure and the organisation can transfer knowledge between employees as an preparation for old age retirement. However, in order for the organisation and the individual to benefit from phased retirement it needs managerial action and planning.
A total of ten interviews were made with employees within blue- and white-collar work, divided into phased retirement, full-time working with entitlement to phased retirement, and supervisors. The technicalities about phased retirement were also discussed with representatives from the company and from involved trade unions.
The study complements the existing research on phased retirement with an organisational and managerial perspective. In addition it suggests more research on managerial aspects and that HRM literature include discussions on phased retirement.
QC 20120124