The purpose of this essay is to find out how Christian pupils experience insults in school. The study is conducted with a Qualitative Content Analysis. The aim is to find out in what way Christian pupils experience insults in school and how the result can be interpreted from different perspectives on secularization and the role of religious education. The essay provides a background of previous research in the field and a description of theoretical perspectives and concepts. The material this essay is based on is articles from various newspapers and interviews from a report. Results show that Christian pupils are insulted in school and in for encircled areas, these areas are insult from other pupils, from teachers and insulate in and during religion education. Result also show that Christian pupils develop strategies to hide their faith in school. Result shows an indication of a problem that may exist in Sweden and that secularization should be a way of life in religious education. It also shows that classrooms should be secure for an open dialogue of religion and for secularization. Religious education should contribute to a broader discourse for different views of life and religious beliefs. Result show that there is a need to strengthen religious freedom in the school. Suggestions for further research in the area would be to study how the Christian pupils themselves had wanted the school to address the problem, what measures do the pupils who have been exposed to insults in school want to see?