In October 2018, the Swedish government implemented a new strategy concerning digitalization in the Swedish school system. Different aspects of digitalization have also become parts of policy documents, both the general aims and the subject syllabuses in the national curriculum have been revised and changed. This paper focuses on the meeting point between teaching geography and digitalization in Swedish secondary schools. Various
studies have concluded the complexity about planning and conducting lessons where both subject knowledge acquisition and understanding of digital information takes place. This didactical challenge becomes even more apparent when teachers, working with and in a digital environment, plan and execute lessons about more complex geographical phenomenon or geographical thinking skills. What might powerful geographical knowledge look like (Maude 2016) for enabling geospatial thinking? The presentation will be based on a present study about common digital tools used in geography education and how teachers in Swedish secondary schools plan, conduct and evaluate their lessons in geography while using digital tools in order to let their pupils improve their geospatial thinking skills. A survey questionnaire and a case study based on design research constitute the data collection in the study and some preliminary results from a teacher survey will be presented. The overall theme that form the subject didactical basis for the design research is “Vulnerable places – a challenge for the future”.