Locally based, community-oriented hyperlocal news have been suggested to incline a higher level of citizen participation than established legacy news media, both in terms of starting and running, as well as participation in the news production, ranging from smaller tips to civic and participatory journalism. Previous studies have, however, found low levels of uptake of user-generated content, both among journalists/producers and consumers. Through two surveys – a probability sample of the Swedish population and a total sample of hyperlocal actors in Sweden – and interviews with 13 selected hyperlocal actors in Sweden, the present study examines the level of user participation in the content production of hyperlocal news in Sweden. The results show that looking at the population as whole, the citizens state that their contribution to content creation in news media is low. Most content in hyperlocal media is produced by the hyperlocal publishers themselves; often a sole individual with a background as a professional journalist, but also by the audience, although their contribution consist of Although “amateur reporting” does not account for a significant part of the hyperlocal media, and the thesis “everybody is a journalist” is a truth with modification – both regarding content breadth and engagement – submissions from the audience are both wanted and encouraged by the hyperlocal operations.