The Green Schools Movement in Sweden has a long history. In this chapterwe will start with a historical review of the long interest of green issues inSwedish society and how these have influenced curriculum and teaching. We willaddress the different teaching traditions that evolved in environmental education inSweden over time. Then we will describe how the green school movement beenpromoted in Sweden through initiatives from NGOs such as Håll Sverige Rent andWorld Wide Fund for Nature. This has led to certification systems for schools toparticipate with the possibility to be accredited as “green schools”. These certificationsystems have turned from an environmental perspective to a perspective towardsEducation for Sustainable Development (ESD). Finally we will go through theextensive research conducted in Sweden the last years of the effects these certificationsystems has had in the schools at student, teacher and school organization level,and what we can learn from these studies in order to develop the green school movementfor the future.