Svenska neuropsykologers instrumentanvändning och kliniska utredningspraktik: En tioårsuppföljning
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Swedish neuropsychologists’ use of assessment instruments and clinical practice : A ten year follow-up (English)
Abstract [sv]
Studien syftade till att kartlägga svenska neuropsykologers instrumentanvändning och kliniska praktik samt undersöka stabiliteten under en tioårsperiod. En internetbaserad enkät skickades ut till medlemmarna i Sveriges Neuropsykologers Förening. Respondenterna var 86 psykologer (svarsfrekvens 11.4 %) som i genomsnitt varit legitimerade i 15.5 år. En tredjedel var utbildade specialister. Urvalsgruppen bestod av 75 % kvinnor och 25 % män och medelåldern var 47.2 år. Resultaten visade att (a) neuropsykologiskt utredningsarbete och rehabilitering ägnades mest arbetstid; (b) en utredning tog i snitt 20.2 h/vecka och i snitt genomfördes 5.2 utredningar/månad; (c) de flesta arbetar inom vuxenhabiliteringen/rehabilitering och vuxenpsykiatrin; (d) möter unga-vuxna och vuxna klienter; (e) arbetar med diagnosgrupperna ADHD, inlärningssvårigheter samt autism; (f) de fem mest frekvent använda testinstrumenten var Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), Delis-Kaplan Excutive Function System (D-KEFS), Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) samt Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS); (g) de mest frekvent utredda förmågorna var uppmärksamhet, kognitiv snabbhet, visouspatial förmåga, exekutiva funktioner samt verbalt arbetsminne; (h) vanligaste informationskällorna var medicinsk/psykiatrisk historia, beteendeobservationer, testdata och psykisk status; (i) orsaker till instrumentval var goda psykometriska egenskaper och förtrogenhet med instrument; (j) den vanligaste utmaningen var att instrument saknar ekologiskt/predicerande egenskaper och att respondenterna inte upplever sig ha tillräcklig transkulturell kompetens. Jämfört med 2009 dominerar likheterna men några skillnader sågs. En kartläggning för att bedöma stabiliteten i instrumentanvändning har inte tidigare belysts i en svensk kontext. Studiens implikationer synliggör behovet av att höja den transkulturella kompetensen och hitta metoder som fångar den ekologiska aspekten i utredningsarbetet.
Abstract [en]
This study aimed to survey the test usage patterns and clinical practice of clinical neuropsychologists in Sweden and to survey stability in a ten year period. An internet-based questionnaire was sent out to members of the Swedish Society of Neuropsychologists Association. Respondents were 86 psychologists (response rate 11.4 %) with average clinical authorization for 15.5 years. About one third were trained specialists. The group consisted of 75 % women and 25 % men, the average age was 47.2 years.
The results show that (a) most time was spent conducting neuropsychological assessments and rehabilitation; (b) a neuropsychological assessment required in average 20.2 h and 5.2 assessments was in average conducted monthly; (c) most respondents were working in a rehabilitation or psychiatric units for adults; (d) clients were mostly young adults and adults; (e) ADHD, learning disability and autism were the most common conditions; (f) WAIS, D-KEFS, RCFT, WISC and WMS were the most used assessment instruments; (g) abilities most assessed were attention, cognitive speed, visospatial ability, executive function, and verbal memory; (h) the most common sources of information were medical/psychiatric history, behavioral observations, test data and mental status; (i) reasons for instrument selection were good psychometric qualities and familiarity with instruments; (j) frequent challenges in neuropsychological work were instruments lack of ecological functions and respondents do not feel they have sufficient transcultural competence. Compared to 2009, the similarities dominate but some differences were found. A study to assess the stability of test usage has not previously been implemented in Sweden. The study's implications highlight the need to increase transcultural competence within the professional community and to find methods that capture the ecological aspect of current assessment practices.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 62
Keywords [sv]
Neuropsykologisk utredning, testanvändning, klinisk utredningspraktik, utredningsrelaterade utmaningar, ekologisk validitet, transkulturell kompetens
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-78787OAI:, id: diva2:1447704
Subject / course
Educational program
Master of science in psychology programme
2020-06-302020-06-262020-06-30Bibliographically approved