The aim of this study is the examine whether protestant theology can be claimed to support orfoster political ideologies. The study questions are designed to specifically identify connectionsbetween protestant theology and socialism, and furthermore examine if the study can gathersupport for the theory behind the theoretical approach by showing a way to generalize itsfunctionality. The theoretical approach is based off of Max Weber´s theory of Protestantism asthe starting foundation of capitalism. The theory is applied by using the tools, that has beenidentified as the fundamental tools of the theory, in the examination of the sources of this study.The method is a qualitative text analysis with an inductive approach of the overall studyanalysis. The examined material consists of literary works by five theologians of differentorigins, whom in the selection process where deemed to have an already established connectionwith socialism. The final result of the study shows that there is indeed ways to use Weber´stheoretical tools in the circumstances of this study which gives support to the theory itself.However, there are difficulties using the conclusions of the original theory and the usage of thetheory in this study is limited to using the identified theoretical tools. Furthermore the resultsshow that there is support to the claim that one can connect the theological ideas of thesetheologians with socialistic tendencies. Finally the results points to the possibility of developingthe claims of this study by continued studies under different circumstances, for example withdifferent Christian orientations.