This essay is based off a content analysis with the purpose of analysing Swedish textbookswithin the subject religion. Hinduism, Christianity and Islam are the three religions that havebeen analysed in three of the textbooks. A simplified picture analysis has also been done tocheck what pictures and how many pictures have been used in the textbooks beyond thecontent analysis. Code schematics have been formed for both the text and picture analysis.Kerstin von Brömssen’s theory of post colonialism has had a significant role in this essay. Acombination of several theories has been shown to produce what I call “a good understandingof religion” in this essay. The analysed material is based of the current curriculum Gy11,which makes this analysis relevant for today’s education, as well as provide an importantcontribution for school today. My conclusion of this study is in line with previous research,that Christianity still plays a dominant role in the textbooks, which contributes to an “us” and“them” type of thinking. One of the three textbooks in the analysis has a different layout. Thetext is neutral and exploits old stereotypes. The textbook presents different religions in a newway. The book gives hope to give broader knowledge to Swedish students, and should be seenas an inspiration to textbook authors.