Objectives The Sense of coherence (SOC) questionnaire estimate an individual’s degree of an inside strength leading to a health promoting behaviour. The aim was to investigate sense of coherence in relation to oral health status.
Method A stratified random sample of 910 individuals from Jönköping, Sweden, aged 20,30,40,50,60,70 and 80 years old, was used. The investigation contained the Swedish short version of the SOC questionnaire with 13-items and a self-reported questionnaire about demographic information, oral health related behaviour and attitudes to oral health. In addition a clinical and radiographical examination was performed.
Results A total of 525 individuals participated in the study, 261 men and 264 women. Socioeconomic factors such as age, marital status, income and education had a statistical significant association to SOC. Bivariate analyse showed that higher mean SOC scores had a statistically significant relationships with more decayed filled surfaces (DFS) and filled surfaces (FS), less caries severity, less teeth with calculus and a better periodontal health. Logistic regression analysis showed that Individuals with high SOC score were predictive of high DFS and FS but low gingivitis scores. After controlling for age, high SOC scores showed a protective effect for gingivitis and plaque.
Conclusions Socioeconomic factors had an association with SOC. Statistical associations were found between SOC scores and oral health status with regard to several important oral clinical variables and high SOC scores may indicate a protective determinant for gingivitis and plaque.