Non/Disney crossover videos on YouTube are created by independent editors that with thehelp from various editing programs “mash” the iconic animated characters together on screenin order to make new original stories. The characters are cast to play different roles set tomusic and themes. The original stories often becomes feminist rewritings of the originalmaterial. Editors of the genre are re-purposing existing material to fit their story-telling needsand they experiment with ideas or fantasies of love and desire. The editors produce storiesthat are centered around queer love or queer characters who in the original material have beenheterosexual, the genre is re-appropriating straight characters and re-renders them as queer.However, the genre is reusing a material that is filled with problematic imagery and there aresome antifeminist aspects to the videos. In this essay I aim to explore some of the themes ofthe genre taken from three different crossover videos.